The Countdown is On!!!!!!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Caption contest: Add your own caption contest


DaPrez said...

From Yung Flanigan:
"Stop dropping self tanner on us or we'll shoot"

DaPrez said...

Yung Flanigan:
"New Tribe named: La Bronze James Tribe"

DaPrez said...

Yung Flanigan:
"We Don't want the US mail"

DaPrez said...

Yung Flanigan: New tribe found, (editors note-shiny skin is actually a reflection from a red girl carl which was donated by the "Gundwerwood foundation for World Piece" (his spelling)

DaPrez said...

Yung Flanigan:
"Missionary Big Sloppy arrives to educate the tribe. Unfortunately they correctly called him out..."BLUFFER!!!"

Mud said...

The Marketing staff of a new Brazilian resturant, "The Amazonian Buffet", attempt to shoot down Mud's helicopter to prevent him from attending their Grand Opening.